The government has announced new national lockdown measures which will begin on 5 November 2020 and continue until at least 2 December 2020.
Furlough Returns
All employers are now eligible for the extended Job Retention Scheme, which will continue for a further month.
Employers can claim for employees who were on a payroll RTI submission by 30th October 2020.
Furlough will be paid at 80% of the wages for hours not worked, up to a maximum of £2,500 per month. Businesses will have flexibility to bring furloughed employees back to work on a part-time basis or furlough them full-time and will only be asked to cover National Insurance and employer pension contributions.
Like the original furlough scheme, it will be on a pay and reclaim basis, where employers will be required to file their payroll submissions and make a separate claim for repayment.
The Job Support Scheme – which was scheduled to come in on Sunday 1st November – has been postponed until the furlough scheme ends.
The most up to date guidance available on the scheme conditions can be found here.
If you need to speak with us about adding employees to furlough, please contact Clair Coburn directly.
Local Grants
Businesses required to close in England due to local or national restrictions will be eligible for the following:
- For properties with a rateable value of £15,000 or under, grants to be £1,334 per month, or £667 per two weeks.
- For properties with a rateable value of between £15,001-£50,999 grants to be £2,000 per month, or £1,000 per two weeks.
- For properties with a rateable value of £51,000 or over grants to be £3,000 per month, or £1,500 per two weeks.
This scheme is separate to the Liverpool City Region grants for hospitality and leisure sectors.
Self Employment Support
Sole traders are expected to be provided with additional financial support (currently set at 40% of average earnings).
An announcement is anticipated from government in the next day or two.